Switzerland’s energy future: what is the way forward?
The 100 questions and answers on the Swiss-Energyscope platform are not intended to provide definitive answers or turnkey solutions. Their main objective is to provide the general public with clear and scientifically sound information on the challenges of the energy transition in Switzerland. They present, in a factual manner, the issues at stake and the implications of the various possible strategies for moving away from nuclear power and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining a high level of security of energy supply.
The authors do not claim to provide ready-made recipes for the way forward. Nevertheless, it should be recalled that a number of basic ingredients appear to be indispensable. In particular, it will not be possible to address the challenges of the energy transition without making significant use of renewable energy and, above all, energy efficiency. Due to the decentralisation of the new energy landscape, the successful implementation of the different elements of the transition requires a strong involvement of citizens and consumers, otherwise the evolution will be slow to take place and the relevant options will be fewer and fewer [→ Q98].
The various possible energy strategies will therefore essentially differ in terms of the proportion of these various basic ingredients, as well as on whether or not certain technologies are used in Switzerland, such as fourth-generation nuclear power plants [→ Q19], gas-fired power plants [→ Q89] or the development of deep geothermal energy [→ Q61].
On this basis, it is up to each individual to form his or her own opinion on the strategy to be followed and the decisions to be taken.
In order to gain a deeper insight into the topics discussed here and to visualise more concretely the possible implications of a particular option, interested parties can consult the [online energy calculator]{.ul}, which allows them to construct their own energy scenarios for Switzerland in a simple and user-friendly manner and, above all, to visualise the consequences. Everyone - cantonal or federal parliamentarian, municipal councillor, or ordinary citizen - can thus test his or her convictions and hypotheses… or evaluate those of others!
The Swiss-Energyscope platform allows everyone to form an opinion and take a position (particularly during votes), in full knowledge of the facts, on the crucial issues at stake in our energy future.
Swiss-Energyscope wants to help “Understand in order to choose”.